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  • Rick LoPresti

Blessing and cursing

People have many concepts when it comes to explaining why events happen the way they do. They believe some force or principle governs things, but they will call it anything but the God of the Bible. They call it fate, luck, karma, "what goes around comes around", destiny, or chance. Some people believe the positions of the stars govern events on earth. This is nothing new. It has been around for thousands of years, and is described in the Bible as part of paganism (Lev 19:26, Deut 4:19, Deut 17:3, Deut 18:9-14, 2Ki 21:6, 2Ki 23:5, Job 31:26, Jer 8:2). This part of what Paul spoke of in Romans 1:25 when he described those who worship and serve the creation more than the Creator. Idolatry is not only worshiping and praying to a statue. It is also giving the place that only belongs to God to anything else. God gave man the ability to choose, but He still retains ultimate control and authority over all creation. When we attribute His power to anything other than Him, we become idolaters. It doesn't mattter what label such as astrology men give it.

The Bible does not teach luck or fate. It teaches us the will of God through His written word, and it gives us principles which apply to every man in every time. The Bible describes these governing, unchanging principles as blessing and cursing, or sowing and reaping (Lev 26, Deut 28, Deut 30:10-20, Gal 6:7-9). We harvest whatever we plant. If we plant weeds, we should not expect wheat to come up. However, if we we follow the word of God, we can expect the results of it as well. The word of God is described as a seed we can plant in our lives (Is 55:10-11, Mt 13:19, 2Cor 9:10, 1Pet 1:23), and seed always produces after its kind (Gen 1). Children are often called seed in the Bible as well in that they are what we reproduce with the seed God put in us, both physically and spiritually. Parents need to be soberly aware of what they are planting in their children, because we reproduce after our kind.

God is not obligated to anything but His own word. When we honor His word, He honors us with the good results He promised. This is called blessing, or a good harvest. When we ignore His word and do things our own way, we are cursed and reap a harvest according to the evil we have done. God is not interested in cursing us, but He must uphold His own word. It is not God who chooses to curse us, it our own wrong choices. God desires to bless everyone. That is why He gave us the Bible. He wants us to follow that which produces blessings in this life and the next, so He gave us the seed to plant. We can let the word of God be sown in our hearts so it can produce abundant life (Mt 13:3-9 & 18-23) or we can reject it and be spiritually barren. We can plant wheat or tares (Mt 13:24-30 & 36-43). Tares look just like wheat at first, but when harvest time comes, there is no fruit. Tares are just a weed that poses as wheat until reaping time. Let us choose wisely what we plant, because the day of harvest will come both in this life and the next. A farmer must be patient because growing things of value takes time (Jam 5:7-8). We must not be in a hurry to get results. Our blessing will come if we continue to do good. Sometimes we have to go through the process of undoing evil we have already planted in order to start a new cycle of good. We have to clear the ground of weeds in order to begin to plant wheat, but the results are well worth the effort.

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