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Rick LoPresti

Why believe the Bible?

This subject cannot be thoroughly examined in a few paragraphs of of blog. Instead, here are points to consider regarding this great and vital subject. Also, this is a matter of faith. It doesn't matter how much information is given in support of the validity of the scriptures to someone who refuses to believe. No one can make some one believe, or argue their way into it. There has to come a point where we either believe it or reject it. The evidence can only serve to help faith, not establish it. That occurs in the will. God gave everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). It is up to us whether to trust the word of God or the word of man. Jesus did thousands and thousands of miracles in public so all could have the opportunity to believe (John 21:25), but it was never enough for the rejectors to convert. The same is true today. Alleged scholars find ways to manipulate the facts to explain away the miracles recorded in the Bible, and those which occur today. Miracles will not save you. Only faith in the word of God will (2Timothy 3:13-17). The people that received miracles were already exercising faith in Him. Sometimes their calls for help even included specific statements of faith in Him as the Messiah (Matthew 9:27, Matthew 15:22, Matthew 20:30-31). In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man asked from hell for Lazarus to be sent back from the dead to testify to his family (Luke 16:19-31). Abraham told him they already had the scriptures, and if that was not enough, no miracle including a resurrection would do it. Miracles can confirm the gospel, but not establish it (Mark 16:20). So here are some facts to help faith in the Bible which can be further studied in the book "Why Believe?":

1. The Bible does not promote violence, sexism, racism, homophobia, slavery, hatred, or bigotry as it is falsely interpreted to by the deniers. Ironically, the ones accusing believers of intolerance are usually hypocritical.

2. The Bible has no contradictions. There are some places where a little diligent study is required to resolve some apparent difficulties; but the honest searcher for truth will see that they usually amount to differing details or differences in covenants which are resolvable and do not affect the actual message.

3. Although the Bible was physically written by men, this does not disprove the Bible. On the contrary, it shows its divine origin. Almost 40 different men from various backgrounds, most of whom never met each other, wrote over the course of almost 2,000 years, and produced the most excellent and harmonious piece of literature ever. That is because the Bible is not a book written by men about God. It is a book inspired by God to us (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:19-21). It could be compared to an executive dictating a letter to his secretary. The secretary physically writes the letter, but the words are those of the executive.

4. The Bible is historically accurate. Many facts in the Bible which were once doubted because there was no archaeological evidence for them have now been substantiated.

5. The Bible is not a science textbook, but it is scientifically accurate. There is not one scientific fact or law that contradicts the Bible. The theories of deniers do contradict the Bible, but that is because they are interpreting the evidence according to their unbelief, sometimes very dishonestly. There is no war between real science and the Bible, only between faith and unbelief. Many great scientists in the past and present not only believe the Bible, but used their faith as the basis for their scientific inquiry.

6. Although we do not have the original manuscripts of the Bible, it is still be very far the most substantiated book ever. The King James Bible was translated from about 5,000 manuscripts that all harmonized perfectly. Since then, another 15,000 of these harmonious manuscripts have been discovered, some dating to within 100 years of the originals. Then there are the Dead Sea Scrolls, which have authenticated the Old Testament in staggering fashion. No other ancient document is anywhere near in the same league with the Bible in substantiation.

7. The Bible is unique in its prophecies. Not only are they specific and detailed, they are perfectly accurate with the odds of their coincidental fulfillment at essentially a mathematical zero.

8. The Bible is the most attacked book in history, yet it survives intact and thrives.

9. The Bible is the most influential book ever. Its detractors would argue that its influence is negative, but they must acknowledge its influence just the same. It is by far the most circulated book ever. Over 2 billion people claim to be its adherents, more than any other. It is the basis for western civilization and American law.

10. The Bible is superior to any other literature in its quality of content. Job is considered to be the greatest tragic poem ever written. Luke is considered to be one of the greatest historical documents. The psalms are beautiful and special Hebrew poetry and music. The book of Proverbs covers many aspects of life in its powerful maxims.

11. The Bible is honest about its heroes. It shows them in their greatest moments, and in their failures. The histories of the nations are not so candid.

12. The Bible answers the 3 great questions: where do we come from?, why are we here?, and where are we going? Nothing else does. It also has the principles we need for every aspect of life.

13. The real question is not, "Why should I believe the Bible". It is, "Why not?"

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