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Rick LoPresti

God and science

God created everything out of nothing (ex nihilo). He had no existing materials to work with, because there were none. He spoke, and things came into being (Gen 1-2). The material world did not bring the immaterial into existence. The immaterial (spiritual, invisible) came first (Heb 11:3).This can be clearly understood (Rom 1:20). However, modern "science" denies this basic fact (1Tim 6:20). These same people deny there was a worldwide flood as described in the Bible (Gen 6-9), despite the abundance of fossil and geological evidence. These deniers are full of lust and scoffing (2Pet 3:4-6).

The Bible and science are not at odds. There are two "worldviews" at odds - faith in the Bible and denial of it, which is faith in man. Both groups have the same evidence, but interpret it differently based on their worldviews. What is usually called science is supposed to be the system or method of studying the natural world based on observation and experimentation. Its goal is supposed to be to seek fact and truth through established laws. Religion is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe and humanity. There is not one scientific fact that contradicts anything in the Bible. There is, however, a belief held by many but not all scientists which does contradict the Bible - evolution. Contrary to the way some people present it, evolution is not a fact. It is a belief, which places it in the realm of religion. This is nothing new. Ancient Egypt, Greece, and India all had forms of evolution in their religions. Also, many early leaders in many fields of what we call modern science were believers in the Bible's account of creation:

1. Galileo, Kepler, Mather (astronomy)

2. Newton, Faraday (physics)

3. Mendel (genetics)

4. Pasteur, Boyle (chemistry)

5. Linneaus (botany)

6. Steno (geology)

7. Bacon (scientific method)

8. Pascal (hydrostatics)

Also, many modern PhD scientists believe in Genesis 1-2.

The Bible is not a science textbook. It is the Word of God, the purpose of which is spiritual, not what some would call scientific. However, it is scientifically accurate. Many facts now accepted by scientists were in the Bible hundreds of years before they were "discovered" by scientists:

1. Lev 17:11 - the life of the flesh is in the blood

2. Job 25:5 - the moon does not have its own light

3. Job 26:7 - there is an empty place in the northern sky, and the earth hangs on nothing

4. Job 26:7, Is 40:22, Is 44:24, Zech 12:1 - the universe is expanding

5. Job 28:25 - air pressure and water density

6. Job 38:8-11 - the boundaries of the oceans

7. Job 38:12-14 - implies the sun is motionless and the earth revolves around it

8. Job 38:16 - springs at the ocean bottoms

9. Job 38:24 - sunlight is a source of wind

10. Job 38:25 - ocean currents

11. Job 38:31-32 - constellations, Arcturus has orbiting stars

12 Ecc 1:7 - the water cycle

13. Is 40:22 - the earth is round

Irreducible complexity and interdependence also show that God created everything in a short time. For example, the bees need the plants and the plants need the bees. You cannot have one without the other. In fact, the bees defy "science" in themselves. It should be impossible according to science for bees to fly. The design and complexity of the human body also testifies to its Creator. Common design elements in man and animals do not point to a common ancestor, but a common Creator who utilized some common design features in several creatures while also making them distinct in their kinds (Gen 1). This is confirmed by real science through what we now know about DNA. It is the most efficient and complex means of storing and communicating information in nature. The fact that DNA exists at all show there is a Creator. The conditions which evolutionists claim randomly and spontaneously gave rise to life and all its forms would prevent DNA from existing. Also, they have no explanation for where the information in DNA came from. Some actually assert that aliens brought it from another world, although they have no evidence for that. Also, even if it was true, it still does not explain the origin of the information. Also, DNA does not give rise to multiple life forms. DNA can only reproduce after its specific kind. There is no mechanism for genetic information to be added for increased complexity, and mutations are always a loss of information which almost always lead to death.

Does nature show us laws and order, or randomness and chaos? It shows us laws and order. Where did the laws come from? Evolution defies at least four laws of science - entropy, biogenesis, probability, and information. Entropy says things in nature have a tendency to break down and die. Evolution says things will improve to higher order, efficiency, and complexity randomly on their own. Biogenesis says life and only come from other life. Evolution says life came from non-living matter with no explanation how or why. The laws of probability show that it is impossible for evolution to occur and for DNA to form. The law of information says that intelligent, communicable, and understandable information can only come from and be given to intelligence. Only the Bible has an explanation for where, life, matter, energy, and information originated. Evolution does not.

God and science are not at odds. True science is as Isaac Newton believed, the pursuit of the Creator through the study of His creation. Any attempt to reject and deny the Creator is not a scientific problem. It is a spiritual problem. Jesus said light is come into the world, but men chose darkness because their deeds are evil (Jn 3:19-21). The problem is sin. Some men would rather pretend there is no God under the guise of "science" so they can deceive themselves into thinking they can avoid accountability to Him, and submission to His authority. The true light of our loving Creator, Lord, Father, and Savior is shining abundantly (Jn 1:1-18). We can know Him if we want to, but He lets us choose because He wants our relationship with Him to based on love, not force.

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