General points about sin:
1. Whenever we move off the foundation of the Bible, we only have man-made ideas left
to choose from. Man is obviously fallible and fickle (Jer 17:9-10).
2. Truth can only be absolute. Relative truth is a logical fallacy and unbiblical.
3. When we don’t find our identity in God, we get distortion and confusion.
4. Sin has a compounding element of deception. First we get tempted and deceived into
sinning (Gen 3:1-7, 1Tim 2:14). Then the sin itself perpetuates further deception (Oba 3,
Rom 7:11, 1Cor 15:33, 2Tim 3:13, Titus 3:3).
1. Transgenderism distorts and confuses God’s created natural order of only 2 genders (
Gen 1:26-28, Gen 2:7-25, Mt 19:1-7).
2. Transgenderism blurs the clear lines between genders and violates the Biblical
principle of distinction (Deut 22:5, 1Cor 6:9-11).
3. Transgenderism is rooted in sodomy (male and female) which is clearly condemned
throughout the Old and New Testaments ((Gen 9:20-27, Gen 13:13, Gen 18:17-19:29, Lev
18:1-5, Lev 20:13, Deut 23:17, Deut 29:23, Deut 32:32, Jud ch. 19-21 particularly 19:22-
28, 1Kings 14:22-24, 1Kings 15:11-12, 1Kings 22:43-46, 2Kings 22:1-23:27 particularly
23:7, Eze 16:44-59, Rom 1:18-32 particularly vs. 26-27 and vs. 31-32, 1Cor 6:9-11, and
1Tim 1:9-10). Sodom is used repeatedly as an example of God’s judgment ((Is 1:9 with
Rom 9:29, Is 1:10-20, Is 3:9, Is 13:19, Jer 23:14, Jer 49:17-18, Jer 50:40, Lam 4:6, Amos
4:11, Hab 2:15-16, Zeph 2:9, Mt 10:15, Mt 11:23-24, Mk 6:11, Lk 10:12, Lk 17:29, 2Pet
2:2, and Jude 5-19).
4. Transgenderism involves cross-dressing (Deut 22:5).
5. Transgenderism promotes “gender re-assignment surgery” which is simply body
mutilation (Lev 19:28, Lev 21:5, 1Cor 3:16-17). Body mutilation and cutting are part of
paganism and Satanism (1Ki 18:28).
6. Transgenderism attempts to justify the fulfillment of the lust of the flesh rather than
encouraging self-control (Gal 5:19-22, 1Jn 2:15-17).
7. Transgenderism seeks to redefine marriage (Gen 1:25-28, Gen 2:7-25, Mt 19:1-7).
8. Transgenderism seeks to usurp the authority of God and claim authority to make
decisions God does not authorize (Jer 18:1-6, Rom 9:21).
1. Back to the Basics by Rick LoPresti
2. articles (blogs):
Femininity vs. feminism
Binary code
Male order bride
The pattern in the mount
Absolute truth
The manufacturer’s instructions
Identity crisis
3. Answering sodomy by Rick LoPresti
4. God and the gay Christian? By R. Albert Mohler
5. Transgenderism is a Fake Legal Construct by Daniel Moody