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  • Writer's pictureRick LoPresti

The little things

The pride of man seeks out what are in his mind big things. Boys have a fascination with big animals like lions and gorillas. Evolutionists know this, so they use dinosaurs to teach their false doctrine. Popular accounts in the Bible include such people as Samson and his great strength and David killing the giant. People often overlook the little things and miss valuable and important things because they appear in a small package.

Little things can pose a danger when ignored:

Small dust became boils on the whole nation of Egypt (Ex 9:9).

  Moses warned Israel of the danger the little children of pagan Midian would pose if taken into

      their company (Num 31:9 & 17).

A little foolishness can ruin your long earned good reputation (Ecc 10:1).

The little foxes spoil the vines that produce the fruit (S.O.S. 2:15).

The antichrist will start out as just a little "horn" (Dan 7:8).

Hadad was a little child when he fled to Egypt from David, but he grew up to be an enemy

to Solomon (1Ki 11:14-22).

A little excess sleep when work is to be done can lead to poverty (Prov 6:9-11).

A little leaven leavens the whole lump (1Cor 5:6, Gal 5:9). So a little carnality left unchecked

can spread throughout a person's character or a whole group.

The tongue is a little body part, but like a ship's rudder it can steer the whole person into sin

(Jam 3:4-5).

Little things can also become good and great things and should not be overlooked or discounted:

Pharoah tried to get Moses to leave the little children behind but he refused (Ex 10:10 &24).

Those very children became those who inherited the promised land (Num 14:31).

Israel's food for 40 years in the wilderness was a small thing called manna (Ex 16:14).

The incense in the tabernacle was made of ingredients which were beaten small (Ex 30:36,

Lev 16:12). The altar of incense was placed before the veil of the ark and provided a cloud

of protection for the high priest from the wrath of God (Lev 16:13). Incense symbolizes

prayer (Ps 141:2, Lk 1:10-11, Rev 8:3-4). Sometimes we feel beaten small and we don't

think our prayers are doing any good, but that may be when they are doing the most.

Jonathan ate a little honey, and it strengthened him to keep fighting the Philistines (1Sam

14:29 & 43).

When Saul was little in his own sight, God made him king (1Sam 15:17). When he became big

in his own sight, God rejected him.

The Gentile widow of Zarephath only had a little water, a handful of meal, two sticks, and a

little oil (1Ki 17:8-16). Yet God chose to send the prophet Elijah to her during the drought

and famine, and God miraculously provided for her, her son, and the prophet. Jesus

mentioned this (Lk 4:25-26).

The rain storm that ended the 3.5-year drought and famine started out as just a cloud the

size of a man's hand (1Ki 18:44, Jam 5:17-18).

     Elijah was a man that was used to God doing big things, but when Jezebel threatened his

        life, he ran to Mt. Sinai. There, he experienced a strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire; but

        the Lord was not in those. Then he heard a still, small, voice after which God sent him to

        continue his ministry (1Ki 19:12).

The army of Israel seemed like two flocks of baby goats compared to the Syrians, but God

gave them the victory (1Ki 20:27).

The Shunamite woman made a little chamber for Elisha, but that led to her miracle son and

his miracle resurrection later (2Ki 4:10).

A little young girl told the Syrian general about the prophet Elisha and his healing from

leprosy (2Ki 5:2).

"A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked (Ps 37:16)." See

also Proverbs 15:16 and Proverbs 16:8.

The ants, rabbits, locusts, and spiders are little, but have lessons to teach us (Prov 30-:24).

"A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten

it in his time (Is 60:22)."

Zechariah warned not to despise the day of small things (Zech 4:10).

Bethlehem was a small town, but God chose to manifest Himself in the flesh there by the

birth of Christ (Mic 5:2, Mt 2:1)."

Little children are of great value to God (Mt 10:42, Mt 18:1-14, Mt 19:13-14).

Jesus took a few small fishes and fed thousands (Mk 8:7).

Zaccheus was a small man, but when he sought the Lord and repented, he received salvation

and a special visit to his home by Jesus (Lk 19:3).

God can do a lot in a little while (Is 54:7). The phrase "a little while" appears 44 times in the Bible as well as other similar phrases. Time is irrelevant to God (Ps 90:4, 2Pet 3:8-9). He created time and the means to measure it (Gen 1:3-5 & 14-19). He is eternal and infinite (Is 57:15). What seems to be taking a long time to us is just a little while to Him. Our responsibility when we are waiting is to trust God and not take matters into our own hands out of impatience. This is not always easy, but if we wait for God to work, the results will be much better than what we could do.

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